People say cosmetics are just for cosmetic purposes. They are wrong. They win games
Thank you Dotabuff.Shadow Fiend
Seeing the eternal harvest set have a positive winrate is weird, but it's actually because the enemy can't play the game because they're distracted by one of the worst sets in the game.
Also the arcana has a negative winrate which makes me happy because I hate the shadow fiend arcana (probably because I don't have it).
verdict: If you have absolutely 0 pride in your fashion, wear the eternal harvest set and the enemies will be puking every time they look at you.
What's happening here?
I have nothing to say about this.

No explanation for why the topknot of all items has the highest winrate, though.
Blade of Tustakuri - Off-Hand : +11.36% winrate
Mask of Tustakuri : -13.65% winrate
Buy Tustakuri set for ez wins but dear god don't put on that mask insert bane meme here
Monkey King

Apparently if you really want to win as Monkey King, you just go
default without cosmetics. As a true fashion conquistaador, though, you won't listen to the haters and equip your $100 worth of Dota cosmetics anyway even though pretty much all golden immortals are ugly as hell.
Also here's proof that people that spam taunt get what's coming to them. Thank you all-seeing Icefrog.
Benevolent Companion: -0.79%
Thanks Valve
Sorry Io players, but unless if you want to lose anymore than you already do, which is a lot, try not wearing the worst cosmetic in the entire game.

One of the few arcanum with a positive win rate, and of course it has to be the techies one. And once again, the taunts have a negative win rate. Taunts lose game. What goes around comes around.
Nature's Prophet
The mushroom cap and taunts are all negative win rate. The victory jug is actually -2.08%. That's all you need to know.
Who the hell would spend $451.54 on an item that doesn't look particularly good and gives you a 1.64% higher chance to lose?
Pudge players.
That's who.
Moral of the story here is fashion over win rate because it's not about win or lose, it's about being able to feel good about yourself because you spent your life's savings on your Invoker and Antimage set, along with all of the arcanas.
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