Lets take a look at on of the more recently released chests by valve, the Treasure of the Venerable One.

Is 2.49 per treasure worth it? Let's take a look.

Okay, the witch doctor one isn't too bad. It's pretty standard for a witch doctor set, but there's a lot of other Witch Doctor items that are way better than this, and some pretty cheap ones. The pirate Witch Doctor set is pretty great, even if it's a bit odd thematically. If you open this chest up and happen to get this, equip it if you don't have many other good Witch Doctor sets, but other than that ignore it.

I actually really liked this set. It filled the need for Winter Wyvern sets, and I'm digging the skeletal look. Even though it has the skeletal theme, she still looks very icy and crystalline, so it doesn't abandon the main theme like the pirate Witch Doctor mentioned above. If you're a Wyvern player, you probably want this, even though I wouldn't purchase the chest solely for this.

This one just looks... weird. So in this set, Omniknight is an angel with two giant hammers and an eyepatch? I'm not sure what valve was going for with this one. Even though I'll admit it does look pretty dang cool, it's just confusing. Is he some kind of dual-wielding angel war veteran? I feel like most of the items, like the eyepatch, would be awful in a mix set. My only suggestion if you get this would be to pair the wings with the halo immortal to get a cool angel Omniknight set. Unless if you're aiming for that, though, just cross your fingers that you don't get this one.

What the hell is this? This is probably the worst Chen set I've ever seen. First of all, the entire thing is an ugly green/brown. Second, what is this supposed to be? Some weird Sultan Chen set? Then why is the set called the "Barren Survivor"? Doesn't like much like a survivor to me.
I'm going to skip the phoenix set. It looks exactly like every other phoenix "set" out there. Don't buy the chest for the phoenix set, and if you do buy the chest, hope you don't get the phoenix set. It sucks.

This set cheered me up after the phoenix set. It looks pretty awesome. The glasses and the mohawk are pretty great, but just like every other item in this chest there's no reason to equip it if you have any other half-decent Timbersaw items. So far, though, probably one of the better sets in the chest.

Once again, a pretty standard shadow demon set. Nothing too special about it. It feels like whenever Valve wants to appease the Shadow Demon players, they just put teeth all over him and call it an item, and that's kind of what this set is. This is probably one of the better Shadow Demon sets, so if you get it you can probably just equip it, but saying that it's one of the best Shadow Demon sets isn't saying much.
Alright, this is more like it! This is probably the set that stands out most in the chest. if you're a spirit breaker player, you want this. This looks awesome! He even has some weird steam engine thing in the back, not sure what that;s about, but it doesn't really matter. Only other downside is that it would like like vomit if you tried to mix it with any other spirit breaker items, so please don't do that.
Choo Choo |

Most Spectre cosmetics kinda suck. This one is no different. It's a shame, too, because the Transversant Soul looked so awesome! But the weird neck thing on this and the awkward sword(?) just ruin it. Even if you get this, don't equip it. Even default Spectre looks better than this. Anyways, one set left, the rare! That's usually what you aim for when you buy a treasure, so it must be the best one, right?
What you've all been waiting for.
You have to be kidding me. This is it. This is the rare. This is what you expect people to see and go "Oh, I'll hand over $2.49 just for the chance to get this!"? This just looks like an ugly Venomancer with wings. And this is the first non-immortal item for the new Viper
Final Verdict: Not worth it unless if you have a lot of money that you feel like throwing away. Or you really want that Viper set for some reason, like you want to laugh at all the people forced to use the default back.
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